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Transform any chair into your wellness station.

What Enhanced Well-Being Looks Like

Peanut Glydze - Diagram.png

Simple, Affordable & Effective

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Audrey Young, CA

“I love how Glydze fits into my daily routine. They're compact, effective, and keep me moving during long hours of sitting."

Morgan James, NY

"Thank you GLYDZE!! I feel like I'm getting my 10,000 steps in before lunch..Highly recommended!"

Lisa Bauer, MI

“I can't believe how well these work, I can even break a sweat if I want to go hard on them”

Simple Movements,
Better Mood

"In our desk-bound world, we face a choice: stay sedentary and miss out on personal wellness time, or use Glydze to boost mood, energy, and health—all while getting work done."

Mike DeCesare


How to Use Glydze


Life is hard. Glydze are easy. Sit. Move. Be Happy.



Copyright © 2025 PHACTIVITY

 Created by people sitting at a desk.  Using Glydze.  Loving every minute of it.

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